Publication/Letter for SEQanswers

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PublicationPublication/Letter for SEQanswers
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  • Eric C. Olivares, SEQanswers.Com.
  • Jing-Woei Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Dan M. Bolser, University of Dundee.
  • Peter Ulz, Medical University of Graz.
  • Andreas Sjödin, Swedish Defence Research Agency.
  • Peter J. A. Cock, James Hutton Institute.
  • Lex Nederbragt, University of Oslo
  • Felix Krueger, The Babraham Institute.
  • Surya Saha, Cornell University
  • Colin F. Davenport, Hannover Medical School
  • Joann C. Delenick, Woodbridge, CT
  • Michael James Clark, Stanford University
  • Robert Schmieder, San Diego State University
  • Rachel Glover, Food and Environment Research Agency
  • Lorena Pantano, Institut de Medicina Predictiva i Personalitzada del Càncer
  • David Mittelman, Virginia Tech

Pre-inquiry emails

  • Genome Medicine - inquiry by genericforms on 23th Nov 2011


Here is the response I got:

"In principle, we are interested in the manuscript you describe and we think it might be suitable as a Correspondence article, although we would need to see the full manuscript before making a decision. For this manuscript to be considered by Genome Medicine, it would need to be clear that it contains information that is not included in the recently published Nucleic Acids Research issue and that it is applicable and relevant to medical/clinical researchers as well as basic scientists.

Correspondence articles are open access, peer-reviewed articles that include brief reports of particular interest to the community ( To submit the article, please go to"

  • Genome Biology -inquiry by marcowanger, reply on 29th Nov 2011

Thank you for your email in which you offer to submit a Correspondence manuscript on the SEQanswers community to Genome Biology. I am very sorry about the delay in getting back to you about it. Having discussed and considered your proposal with my colleagues, I am afraid that we are unable to consider the manuscript you describe for publication.

I'm sorry that we can't be more positive but we are sure you won't have any difficulties in publishing your article elsewhere. Thank you for your interest in Genome Biology.

  • PLoS Biology - inquiry by marcowanger, reply on 1st Dec 2011

Thank you for your enquiry about submitting your article "SEQanswers: Leveraging Collective Intelligence to Decode Biological Sequences" to PLoS Biology. I have discussed your proposal with my colleagues and regret that we cannot encourage submission of the full manuscript.

While we cannot consider your manuscript for publication in PLoS Biology, we very much appreciate your wish to present your work in one of PLoS's open-access publications, and would like to suggest that you consider submitting it to one of the other PLoS journals. Full details of all the other PLoS journals are available at In particular, we would encourage you to consider submitting to PLoS Computational Biology, as we feel that your article would be better suited to the computational biology community.

If you are interested in pursuing this option, please log in at, and choose 'Submit Manuscript' from the list of Author Tasks, selecting the article type 'Presubmission Inquiry'. The editors of the journal will then let you know whether your work is suitable for full submission there.

Thank you again for your interest in PLoS Biology.

Best wishes,

  • PLoS Com Bio - inquiry by marcowanger, reply on 10 Dec 2011

Thanks for your presubmission inquiry regarding your manuscript 'SEQanswers: Leveraging Collective Intelligence to Decode Biological Sequences [Perspective Article]'. Although we think that your study is interesting, we do not think it suitable for PLoS Computational Biology. I am sympathetic to what you have done and appreciate it might be important. However, we do not currently support an article type where it would be suitable. It might qualify as a Perspective, but this might open a floodgate to similar resources and we have no resources to evaluate them. ONE would seem a good place for this paper.

However, we very much appreciate your wish to present your work in an open-access publication and therefore want to alert you to an alternative that you may find attractive. PLoS ONE is a unique swift, high-volume system for the publication of peer-reviewed research from any scientific discipline. PLoS ONE aims to exploit the full potential of the web to make the most of every piece of research; if you would like to submit your work to PLoS ONE, please visit and submit your work online.

Thanks for considering PLoS Computational Biology, and good luck with your work.

Yours sincerely,

Philip E. Bourne, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief

Previous drafts

Page of previous draft versions

Letter: Draft #Final

The final draft is moved to google document

Link here