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Application data

Created by Jason Li
Biological application domain(s) Sequencing, Cancer biology, Genomics, Copy number estimation
Technology Illumina
Created at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne VIC 3002, Australia
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) BAM, BED
Output format(s) VCF, Tab-delimited
Software features Copy number analysis, baseline (pseudo-control) creation
Programming language(s) Python, R
Software libraries BEDtools, SAMtools
Licence GPLv3
Operating system(s) Linux 64, Linux

Summary: Copy number analysis for exome-sequencing / targeted-resequencing. Two methods of analysis available: Case vs Control, or Case vs Baseline. Function available for creating a baseline from multiple samples.

"Error: no local variable "counter" was set." is not a number.


CONTRA implements a method for CNV detection for targeted resequencing data, including whole-exome capture data. It calls copy number gains and losses for each target region based on normalized depth of coverage. Key strategies include the use of base-level log-ratios to remove GC-content bias, correction for an imbalanced library size effect on log-ratios, and the estimation of log-ratio variations via binning and interpolation.

See publication:

Li, et al. Bioinformatics (2012) 28 (10): 1307-1313. FULL TEXT HERE



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