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Application data

Created by Tobias Marschall
Biological application domain(s) Genomics, Structural variation, Copy number estimation
Technology Any, Illumina
Created at CWI Amsterdam
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) BAM
Output format(s) Tab separated
Software features command line
Programming language(s) C++, Python
Software libraries BamTools, Boost
Licence GPLv3
Operating system(s) any

Summary: CLEVER is a tool to discover structural variations such as (larger) insertions and deletions in genomes from paired-end sequencing reads.

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CLEVER (CLique Enumerating Variant findER) is an internal segment size based approach, which organizes all reads (including concordant ones) into a read alignment graph where max-cliques represent maximal contradiction-free groups of alignments. A specifically engineered algorithm then enumerates all max-cliques and statistically evaluates them for their potential to reflect insertions or deletions (indels).



none specified

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