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Application data

Created by Integromics R&D
Biological application domain(s) RNA-Seq, ChIP-seq, Transcriptomics, Transcriptomics, Alternative splicing
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Differential expression analysis, Ab-initio gene prediction, Quality control
Technology Illumina, ABI SOLiD, 454, Ion Torrent, Helicos, PacBio, Any, Illumina HiSeq, Illumina Solexa
Created at Integromics
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) SAM, BAM, BED, GTF, GFF, TXT
Output format(s) JPG, PPT, PDF, BED, XLS, TXT
Software features User-friendly, Scientifically relevant, Reliable, Scalable
Licence Commercial
Operating system(s) Windows, Linux

Summary: Simple analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data.

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Simple analysis. Ultimate Results.

SeqSolve™ from Integromics® is an advanced and user-friendly software solution for the tertiary analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data.

By integrating state-of-the-art bioinformatics methods into one-click analysis workflows, SeqSolve provides scientists with a unique combination of cutting edge algorithms and intuitive user experience. Its Click And Go® technology enables the automatic processing of the data and includes a Smart Quality control system, which makes it both simple to use for non-experts and reliable in terms of biological results. SeqSolve results are therefore consistent, biologically relevant and reliable.

Starting from mapped reads as an input, SeqSolve performs a large portfolio of RNA-seq or ChIP-seq analyzes on any annotated genome, independently of the sequencing technology. SeqSolve integrates state-of-the-art tools that are widely used by the NGS community and described in the scientific literature, including SAMtools, Cufflinks, MACS and the IGV Genome Browser.

Powered by the industry leading TIBCO® Spotfire® platform, SeqSolve displays scientific visualizations with real-time interactive charts that can be exported and into PowerPoint® or PDF reports in a simple click.

Get the best of your NGS data with SeqSolve, the ultimate NGS data profiler.



  1. . 2010. Nature
  2. . 2010. Cell

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