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Application data

Created by Nils Homer, Stanley F. Nelson and Barry Merriman
Biological application domain(s) Whole Genome Resequencing
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Mapping, Alignments, Genome Indexing, Colorspace
Technology ABI SOLiD, Helicos, 454, Illumina
Created at University of California, Los Angeles
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) FASTQ, QSEQ (Illumina), CSFASTA/CSQUAL (ABI SOLiD), compressed/uncompressed
Output format(s) SAM, BAF
Software features parallel execution, command line
Programming language(s) C
Licence GPL
Operating system(s) Unix, Solaris

Summary: Blat-like Fast Accurate Search Tool.

"Error: no local variable "counter" was set." is not a number.

BFAST facilitates the fast and accurate mapping of short reads to reference sequences. Some advantages of BFAST include:

  • Speed: enables billions of short reads to be mapped quickly.
  • Accuracy: A priori probabilities for mapping reads with defined set of variants.
  • An easy way to measurably tune accuracy at the expense of speed.

Specifically, BFAST was designed to facilitate whole-genome resequencing, where mapping billions of short reads with variants is of utmost importance.

BFAST supports both Illumina and ABI SOLiD data, as well as any other Next-Generation Sequencing Technology (454, Helicos), with particular emphasis on sensitivity towards errors, SNPs and especially indels. Other algorithms take short-cuts by ignoring errors, certain types of variants (indels), and even require further alignment, all to be the "fastest" (but still not complete). BFAST is able to be tuned to find variants regardless of the error-rate, polymorphism rate, or other factors.



  1. . 2009. BMC Bioinformatics
  2. . 2009. PLoS One

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