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Application data

Created by Pedro Madrigal
Biological application domain(s) DNase-seq
Principal bioinformatics method(s) DNase I footprinting, Digital genomic footprinting
Technology Illumina HiSeq, 454, ABI SOLiD, Ion Torrent, Illumina Solexa, Illumina
Created at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) BAM
Output format(s) GRanges, R data.frame
Software features R/Bioconductor package, can run on major computer platforms
Programming language(s) R
Licence GPL-2 + file LICENSE
Operating system(s) Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
Contact: pm@engineering.com

Summary: DNase I footprinting analysis of DNase-seq data in R

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DNaseR is an R package that enables the identification of protein binding footprints in DNase I hypersensitive sites sequencing (DNase-seq) data. It relies on the Skellam distribution (correlation of two Poisson distributions) to detect narrow-depleted regions of read-enrichment formed by the mapped reads in the forward and reversed DNA strands. Its main characteristic consists in that consensus DNA sequences (motifs) search is not required a priori to detect footprints.



  1. . 2012. Front Genet.

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