Template:Meta elements

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This is the template used to add meta elements to your wiki's pages. Either add this template to individual pages or via another template to a set of pages.


{{Meta elements

The availabe parameters in detail:

  • Keywords=: Comma separated list of keywords that should be added to the default list of keywords specified via template "Meta element keywords". A maximum of three keywords is recommended here.
  • Description=: Concise description of the respective page. Replaces: This is page "Template:Meta elements" but still appends to the default website description added via template "Meta element description".
  • Image=: File name together with file extension like e.g. MyFile.jpg. Replaces the default file by default added via template "Meta element image". The file needs to be uploaded to the wiki before.

Your content is added right of the "=" for the respective page or pages (if this template is added to a template). See the example below.


Default annotations

{{Meta elements}}

Individual annotations

{{Meta elements
 |Description=This page provides some special information.


This template

The following properties cannot be changed manually on a per page basis, either because deviating annotations are done automatically or there is no need to add deviating annotations since the default annotation is applicable to all pages:

Sub templates

Make sure that you fill the following sub templates as part of the wiki setup according to your requirements:


This wiki is configured not to just provide the meta elements defined with this template but also to serve the following meta elements, which are definde via the wiki's configuration:

  • Meta element og:site_name. – Holds the optional Open Graph protocol site_name property which provides the name of the overall site of which the page is part of and which should represent your website within the graph.
  • Meta element og:image. – Holds the basic Open Graph protocol image property which provides the image URL which should represent your website within the graph.
  • Meta element twitter:card. – Holds the required Twitter Cards' card property which sets the type that will be used in the card. By default it is set to summary_large_image.
  • Meta element twitter:site. – Holds the required Twitter Cards' site property which sets the sites account that will be used in the card. By default it is unset however needs to be set initially during wiki setup.
  • Meta element google-site-verification. – Holds the optional Google google-site-verification property which verifies the site ownership with Google. By default it is unset however needs to be set initially during wiki setup.

Changes to all of these meta elements can only be done via the configuration of the wiki. Contact the system administrator in case changes are required.