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10 bytes removed, 21:07, 13 October 2010
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{{Bioinformatics application
|sw summary=de novo and reference assembly of Roche/454, Illumina and SOLiD data. Uses a novel Condensation Assembly Tool approach where reads are joined via "anchors" into mini-contigs before assembly which reduces sequencing errors. Requires Win or MacOS.
|bio domain=SNP/Indel Detection, De novo sequencing, targeted resequencing and transcriptome sequencing, Metagenomics, |bio tech=Illumina, Roche\454, ABI SOLiD
|created at=SoftGenetics LLC
|input format=FASTQ, FASTA, Scarf, FNA\QualFNAQual, CSFASTA/CSQUAL (ABI SOLiD),
|sw feature=Unique condensation tool, Data Visualisation, very flexible

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