User talk:Dan

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Revision as of 13:29, 23 July 2009 by Dan (talk | contribs) (Nice work! and thoughts on discussions...)
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Just made you an admin. I'll have to look into those other problems later tonight. Have fun. =]

Cheers dude! --Dan 11:27, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Nice work! and thoughts on discussions...

This is pretty amazing what you've been doing here. I'm totally focused on getting up to speed on MW, SMW, and you have my blessing to continue as you see fit.

You will be better than me in no time! I guarantee it! --Dan 11:29, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

To address one point re: discussions...I'm thinking about the best way to handle this, both for discussions about the wiki project itself, and a way to conveniently house and organize the relevant conversations that will definitely take place re: each package (troubleshooting, benchmarking, etc). One option is to house these entirely on the package's talk page...but "talk" discussions are pretty hard to follow. Another would be to refer each talk page back to a dedicated thread on the forum (ideally isolated in a Software subforum).

Still thinking about it! Opinions welcome.

I put some comments on your talk page so you would get 'pinged' ... the MW 'discussion' system is seriously flawed. I think your idea to replace talk pages with (sub)forum threads is really excellent. --Dan 11:29, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Fixed all of those problems....

...Semantic bundle was hosing things it brought along another (different yet the same version) SemanticMediaWiki and also include()'d it (explains the two Browse Properties links).

The Special:Browse problem was solved by reinstalling everything, and NOT using the SMW version that comes bundled in bundle.

Who knows...seems to work now. :D