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Application data

Created by Schatz MC
Biological application domain(s) SNP discovery, Genotyping, Personal genomics
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Mapping, MapReduce, Hadoop
Created at University of Maryland
Maintained? No
Software features parallel execution, Hadoop, Academic Cloud Computing Initiative
Programming language(s) Java

Summary: CloudBurst is a parallel read-mapping algorithm optimized for mapping next-generation sequence data to the human genome and other reference genomes.

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CloudBurst is a new parallel read-mapping algorithm optimized for mapping next-generation sequence data to the human genome and other reference genomes, for use in a variety of biological analyses including SNP discovery, genotyping, and personal genomics. It is modeled after the short read mapping program RMAP, and reports either all alignments or the unambiguous best alignment for each read with any number of mismatches or differences. This level of sensitivity could be prohibitively time consuming, but CloudBurst uses the open-source Hadoop implementation of MapReduce to parallelize execution using multiple compute nodes.



  1. . 2009. Bioinformatics

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