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File format AB1
Data type basecall
Used by

Full text description

The .abi (or .ab1) files are DNA sequence chromatogram from the sequencing machine (in ABI format).

AFAICT, they come in two flavours, raw or processed, where processed means examined by a base-calling program such as phred.

The file has several 'data channels', for example channel 1, 2, 3 & 4 correspond to the raw data and 9, 10, 11 & 12 corresponds to the processed data.

Below is a little Perl/R hack to let you have a quick look at the data. NB: ABI.pm is here http://search.cpan.org/~malay/ABI-1.0/ABI.pm

perl -e '
  use ABI;
  $abi = ABI->new(".../some.ab1");
  print join(" ", @x), "\n"

' > pingA

Repeat the above for T, C and G. Then,

perl -e '
  use ABI;
  $abi = ABI->new(".../some.ab1");
  print join(" ", @x), "\n"

' > pong


## Read in data
a <- as.numeric(read.table("pingA"))
t <- as.numeric(read.table("pingT"))
c <- as.numeric(read.table("pingC"))
g <- as.numeric(read.table("pingG"))

b <- as.numeric(read.table("pong"))

## Quick overview...
plot(a, type='l')

## Select your range of interest (in trace points, not bases!)
r <- 1000:1100

my.ylim <-
  range(a[r], t[r],
        c[r], g[r])

plot(x=r, y=a[r], type='l', ylim=my.ylim)
lines(x=r, y=t[r], type='l', col=2)
lines(x=r, y=c[r], type='l', col=3)
lines(x=r, y=g[r], type='l', col=4)

abline(v=b[b %in% r]+1, col=5)


none specified


none specified

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