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Application data

Created by Luke You, Jinyu Wu
Biological application domain(s) DNA methylation, Sequencing, Epigenetics
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Modelling and simulation
Technology Illumina, 454, ABI SOLiD
Created at Institute of Genomic Medicine, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) FASTA
Output format(s) FASTQ, SAM, Ref
Software features BSSim can allow users to mimic various methylation level.
Programming language(s) Python
Licence GPLv3
Operating system(s) UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows

Summary: BSSim: Bisulfite sequencing simulator for next-generation sequencing.

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BSSim is implemented in the Python language and run in an operating system-independent manner. It can allow users to mimic various methylation level (total methylation level of cytosines, percentage of cytosines that methylated and methylation level of total methylcytosines) and bisulfite conversion rate in CpG, CHG and CHH context, respectively. It can also simulate genetic variations that are divergent from the reference sequence along with the sequencing error and quality distributions. In the output, both directional/non-directional, various read length, single/paired-end reads and alignment data in the SAM format can be generated. BSSim is a cross-platform BS-seq simulator offers output read datasets not only suitable for Illumina's Solexa, but also for Roche's 454 and Applied Biosystems' SOLiD.



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