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Application data

Created by Jinyu Wu
Biological application domain(s) Transcriptomics, Regulatory RNA
Technology Illumina, 454
Created at Institute of Genomic Medicine, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) Short read tag with count
Output format(s) Detailed annotation
Programming language(s) Perl, PHP

Summary: Web server for microRNA profiling and discovery based on high-throughput sequencing

"Error: no local variable "counter" was set." is not a number.

A comprehensive web server mirTools was developed to allow researchers to comprehensive characterizes the small RNA transcriptome. With the aid of mirTools, it can: 1) Align the large-scale short reads to the reference genome and exhibit the length distribution; 2) Classify of the large-scale short reads into known categories, such as known miRNAs, non-coding RNA, genomic repeats or coding sequences; 3) Provide detailed annotation information of known miRNAs, such as miRNA/miRNA*, absolute/relative reads count and the most abundant tag; 4) Discovery of the novel miRNAs that have not been characterized before from the large-scale short reads; 5) Identify of the differentially expressed miRNAs between samples according to different count strategies, such as total read tag counts and the most abundant tag of specific miRNA.



  1. . 2010. Nucleic Acids Research

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