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Application data

Biological application domain(s) SNP detection
Maintained? Maybe
Input format(s) SAMtools
Output format(s) VCF
Programming language(s) Java
Operating system(s) Windows, Linux, Mac OS X

Summary: Variant calling in pooled or individual sequence data.

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SNVer is a statistical tool for calling common and rare variants in analysis of pool or individual next-generation sequencing data. It reports one single overall p-value for evaluating the significance of a candidate locus being a variant, based on which multiplicity control can be obtained. Loci with any (low) coverage can be tested and depth of coverage will be quantitatively factored into final significance calculation. SNVer runs very fast, making it feasible for analysis of whole-exome sequencing data, or even whole-genome sequencing data.



  1. . 2011. Nucleic Acids Research

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