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3 bytes removed, 18:43, 4 August 2011
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|sw summary=Metaxa uses Hidden Markov Models to identify, extract and classify small-subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences (12S/16S/18S) of bacterial, archaeal, eukaryotic, chloroplast and mitochondrial origin in metagenomes and other large sequence sets
|bio domain=Metagenomics, Phylogenetics, Sequence analysis, Community analysis
|bio method=Hidden Markov Model, DNA sequence analysis, |bio tech=454, ABI SOLiD, Illumina, IonTorrentIon Torrent, Sanger
|created by=Bengtsson J, Eriksson KM, Hartmann M, Nilsson RH
|created at=University of Gothenburg
|input format=FASTA,
|output format=FASTA, Tab-delimited file, Summary
|licence=GPL v3, |os=Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X,
== Description ==

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