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DNA Baser

1,243 bytes added, 10:05, 10 September 2012
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* Mark specific regions (like discrepancies, low-quality areas in chromatograms) with visible colors and quickly navigate to these regions
* Convert between different file formats (ABI, SCF, FASTA, multi-FASTA, GBK...)
Features proposed in v4
* Blast automated searches and analysis of the results
The proprietary assembly algorithm is optimized for accuracy and not for speed. This is needed in order to allow DNA Baser to automate the sequence assembly process. The program automatically removed the low quality ends, assemble the input samples, generates the contig/consensus then it automatically corrects the ambiguities. The data for ambiguity correction is obtain from the quality value assigned to each base in the input file. At the end the user-defined vectors are automatically removed from the contig and the metadata is added to the file. The contig is also automatically saved to disk as FASTA. The automation makes user's input unnecessary.
This allows DNA Baser to take the sequence assembly to the next level through a sophisticated batch assembly module in which thousands of contigs can be obtained in minutes instead of days. The user defines the folder where the input files are and a pattern. Based on this pattern, the program automatically detects sequences belonging to the same set/contig and assembles them together. The process described above is applied to each set. The contig is automatically saved to disk then the program moves to the next set with a speed of about one contig per second.
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