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Application data

Created by Xianfeng Li
Biological application domain(s) Sequencing, Epigenetics, DNA methylation
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Methylation calling
Technology Any
Created at Institute of Genomic Medicine, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) Others
Output format(s) Regions, Wiggle, PDF, SVG
Software features Differentially methylated regions identification and annotation
Programming language(s) Perl, R
Licence GPLv3
Operating system(s) Linux, UNIX

Summary: swDMR: a sliding window approach to identify differentially methylated regions based on bisulfite sequencing

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swDMR is a sliding window approach, which is used to identify differentially methylated regions (DMRs) from bisulfite sequencing dataset at single base resolution. The dataset, like whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) or reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) with the same coverage region of samples, are suitable for swDMR.

This software integrated several useful statistics methods, satisfying to two or multiple samples test. It is flexible to identify DMRs from samples with several options. In addition, swDMR provides genomic features annotation with BED or GFF file. It can also produce WIG format file to upload to UCSC genome browser for DMRs visualization.

To successfully run this software, Perl v5.8.8 or later and R 2.12.0 or later are recommended.

Input file


The methylation of RRBS input files and other annotation files can be download at: [1]

Two methylation input files: Cancer.RRBS.cout.gz, Normal.RRBS.cout.gz
Three annotation files: cpgIslandExt.txt, gene.bed, UTR_CDS_Intron_Upstream_Downstream.bed

The format of following information files are separated by table "\t".

1.The methylation input file format:

Chromosome   Position	Strand   Context_of_C 	methylated_number   unmethylated_number

2.gene.bed file format:

Chromosome	start	end	geneName  strand	NM_number

3.UTR_CDS_Intron_Upstream_Downstream.bed format:

Chromosome	start	end	element	strand	geneName

4.cpgIslandExt.txt can be download at: [2]

cd /path/of/swDMR
perl ./swDMR --samples Normal.RRBS.cout.gz,Cancer.RRBS.cout.gz --name Normal,Cancer --outdir example/ChiSquare --statistics ChiSquare --cytosineType CG --window 1000 --stepSize 100 --pvalue 0.01 --coverage 4 --fold 2 --diff 0.1 --fdr 0.05 --processes 10 --Rbin /usr/bin/R --chromosome 1 --position 2 --ctype 4 --methy 7 --unmethy 8 --annotation ./UTR_CDS_Intron_Upstream_Downstream.bed --CGI cpgIslandExt.txt --gene gene.bed --left 1000 --right 1000

Change log


--Xfliwz 01:51, 11 September 2012 (PDT): Renew the statistics.pm file

--Xfliwz 20:08, 11 September 2012 (PDT): Fixed bug track of CGI in swDMRmap.pm


--Xfliwz 09:34, 17 October 2012 (PDT): Adjust the length of DMRs and add depth information in DMR result

--Xfliwz 16:51, 18 October 2012 (PDT): Fixed bug of the way of sliding in SlidingAndCreatWig.parallel.pl


--Xfliwz 12:12, 24 October 2012 (PDT): Change the method of extension in Extend.pl


--Xfliwz 14:09, 29 Novenber 2012 (PDT): Fixed the bug of 'cat' for cat-ting large number of files in SlidingAndCreatWig.parallel.pl


--Xfliwz 17:29, 29 December 2012 (PDT): Use pspline (a R package) to draw DMR related points with simulation curves


--Xfliwz 17:29, 15 June 2013 (PDT): Change the p value adjust method




none specified

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