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Application data

Biological application domain(s) Genomics, Genetics
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Visualisation
Created at Washington State University, Clemson University Genomics Institute, Generic Model Organism Database project
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) FASTA, GFF3, Chado DB
Programming language(s) PHP
Software libraries Drupal
Licence Open Source

Summary: Tripal is a collection of open-source, freely-available Drupal modules that serves as a web interface for a GMOD Chado database. It is designed to allow anyone with genomic data to quickly create an online genomic database using community supported tools. Tripal is part of the open-source tool collection available through the Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) project.

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Tripal is a web front end for Chado databases, based on the Drupal content management system. Tripal leverages many of the features of Drupal--ability to search and edit content, detail pages for different types of content, customizable page layouts, and so on--to provide users with an intuitive, flexible interface to a database.

Features and advantages of Tripal:

  • Allows rapid development of an online genomic database.
  • Site administrators can add non-biological content to their sites and allow editing of content by non-technical users.
  • Integrates directly with GMOD Chado.
  • Provides visualizations for Chado "modules" such as features, analyses, libraries, stocks, and others.
  • Provides an interface for easy editing/updating of data in Chado.
  • Provides full text and categorical search capabilities for Chado content.
  • Can integrate GMOD tools such as CMap and GBrowse.
  • Integrates with powerful Drupal features like Drupal views and panels
  • Provides fully customizable PHP-based templates to allow users to change the look and feel of their installation
  • Web-based management of Chado (i.e. installation of Chado v1.11 and loading of ontologies)
  • Loaders for GFF3 and FASTA format files.
  • Provides an API to allow for creation of custom extensions by anyone.



  1. . 2011. Database

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