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Application data

Created by Dalca AV, Dzamba M, Rumble S, Levy S, Brudno M
Biological application domain(s) Genomics, SNP detection, Indel detection, SNP detection, Indel detection
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Statistical calculation
Technology ABI SOLiD, Illumina, 454, Sanger
Created at University of Toronto
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) SAM
Software features SNP/indel discovery in any format, even combining Colorspace with Letterspace
Programming language(s) C
Licence GPLv3

Summary: VARiD is a variation detection framework for both color-space and letter-space platforms

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VARiD is a Hidden Markov Model for SNP and indel identification with AB-SOLiD color-space as well as regular letter-space reads. VARiD combines both types of data in a single framework which allows for accurate predictions. VARiD was developed at the University of Toronto Computational Biology Lab.



  1. . 2010. Bioinformatics

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