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Application data

Biological application domain(s) Epigenomics, DNA methylation
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Bisulfite mapping, Mapping
Technology Illumina
Maintained? Maybe
Licence GPLv3

Summary: accurate and efficient tool for mapping short reads obtained from the Illumina Genome Analyzer following sodium bisulfite conversion. Both single and paired ends are supported.

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We present a new, accurate and efficient tool for mapping short reads obtained from the Illumina Genome Analyzer following sodium bisulfite conversion. Our tool, BRAT, supports single and paired-end reads and handles input files containing reads and mates of different lengths. BRAT is faster, maps more unique paired-end reads and has higher accuracy than existing programs. The software package includes tools to end-trim low quality bases of the reads and to report nucleotide counts for mapped reads on the reference genome.



  1. . 2009. Bioinformatics

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