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Application data

Principal bioinformatics method(s) Sequence alignment
Created at European Bioinformatics Institute
Maintained? No

Summary: Alignment method practical for large genomic sequences.

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In so doing we develop a set of new technical methods, combined in a framework we term 'sequence progressive alignment', because it allows us to iteratively compute an alignment by passing over the input sequences from left to right. The result is that we massively decrease the memory consumption of the program relative to a naive implementation. The general engineering of the challenges faced in scaling such a computationally intensive process offer valuable lessons for planning related large-scale sequence analysis algorithms. We also further show the strong performance of Pecan using an extended analysis of ancient repeat alignments. Pecan is now one of the default alignment programs that has and is being used by a number of whole genome comparative genomic projects.

Overall, the assessment shows that Pecan produces the most accurate or nearly most accurate alignment in all species and genomic location categories, while still providing coverage comparable to or better than that of the other alignments in the placental mammals 20495551.



  1. . 2008. Genome Research
  2. . 2009. Bioinformatics
  3. . 2010. Nature Biotechnology

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