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Application data

Created by Lukas Habegger, Andrea Sboner
Biological application domain(s) RNA-Seq quantification
Created at Yale University
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) Bowtie, PSL, SAM, Illumina export files
Output format(s) MRF, SAM, BED, WIG, BEDGRAPH, GFF, etc.
Programming language(s) C
Licence Creative Commons - Attribution; Non-commercial 2.5
Operating system(s) Mac OS X, UNIX, Linux

Summary: RSEQtools includes a format specification for RNA-Seq data that provides confidentially-aware; data summaries as well as several tools for performing common analyses: expression measurements (e.g. RPKMs), creation of signal tracks, segmentation, annotation manipulations, etc. [[RSEQtools.png|200px|right]]

"Error: no local variable "counter" was set." is not a number.


RSEQtools provides a set of programs to perform most RNASeq data analyses. It also includes a data format which is compact and allows anonymization of sequence information: Mapped Read Format (MRF). It provides several conversion tools into MRF from the most popular format for mapped reads.



  1. . 2010. Bioinformatics

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