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2,459 bytes added, 16:03, 22 December 2009
Usage: Added the man page
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= MAN =
ABYSS(1) User Commands ABYSS(1)
ABYSS - assemble short reads into contigs
Assemble all input files, FILE, which may be in FASTA (.fa) format or FASTQ format (.fastq) and may be
compressed with gz, bz2 or xz.
discard unchaste reads [default] for qseq and export files only
do not discard unchaste reads
trim masked bases from the ends of reads [default]
do not trim masked bases from the ends of reads
-q, --trim-quality=THRESHOLD
trim bases from the ends of reads whose quality is less than the threshold
zero quality is ‘!’ (33) default for FASTQ files
zero quality is ‘@’ (64) default for qseq and export files
-o, --out=FILE
write the contigs to FILE
-k, --kmer=KMER_SIZE
k-mer size
-l, --read-length=READ_LENGTH
read length
-t, --trim-length=TRIM_LENGTH
maximum length of dangling edges to trim
-c, --coverage=COVERAGE
remove contigs with mean k-mer coverage less than this threshold
-b, --bubbles=N
maximum number of bubble-popping rounds
-e, --erode=COVERAGE
erode bases at the ends of blunt contigs with coverage less than this threshold
-E, --erode-strand=COVERAGE
erode bases at the ends of blunt contigs with coverage less than this threshold on either strand.
record the k-mer coverage histogram in FILE
-g, --graph=FILE
generate a graph in dot format
-s, --snp=FILE
record popped bubbles in FILE
-v, --verbose
display verbose output
--help display this help and exit
output version information and exit
Written by Jared Simpson and Shaun Jackman.
Report bugs to <>.
Copyright 2009 Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Science Centre
ABYSS (ABySS) 1.1.0 2009-Nov ABYSS(1)

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