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Application data

Created by van Dongen, Stijn
Biological application domain(s) Sequencing
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Sequence redundancy removal, Read pre-processing, Sequence contamination filtering
Technology Illumina
Created at EMBL-EBI
Maintained? Yes
Input format(s) (Compressed) FASTA, (Compressed) FASTQ, Customizable, Tab-delimited, Table with count data
Output format(s) Fasta/q, Fasta.gz, Custom, Tab-delimited
Software features Memory efficient and fast.
Programming language(s) C
Licence GPLv3
Operating system(s) Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X

Summary: Tally is a program for deduplicating sequence fragments for both single and paired end input. Single reads, paired-end reads.

"Error: no local variable "counter" was set." is not a number.


Tally is a program for deduplicating sequence fragments. It minimises memory usage by compressing sequences and using compact memory allocation techniques. A built-in parser allows a variety of input file formats and a simple specification language allows flexible output file formats. It can be made aware of paired-end reads, and it can handle degenerate sequence inserts intended to reveal amplification biases. Tally comes with reaper, a program for demultiplexing, trimming and filtering short read sequencing data.



none specified

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