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Application data

Biological application domain(s) Structural variation, SNP detection, Indel detection
Principal bioinformatics method(s) Sequence alignment
Created at Broad Institute
Maintained? Maybe

Summary: VAAL is a variant ascertainment algorithm that can be used to detect SNPs, indels, and more complex genetic variants.

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On bacterial data sets, VAAL achieves very high sensitivity, and near perfect specificity. VAAL can be used to compare reads from one strain to a reference sequence from another strain. It can also be used to compare reads from two strains to each other, using a third strain to determine homology. For example, we have used VAAL to find a single mutation responsible for bacterial resistance: the output of the program was that single mutation and no others. VAAL uses an assisted assembly algorithm that borrows from ALLPATHS.



  1. . 2009. Nature Methods

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